Become a Change Maker

In the current "Me Too" climate, change is in the air, but the question I wish to pose is what kind of change are we desiring to see? Are we really ready for the changes we are asking for and do we know what it will take to accomplish them? Raising the public awareness about sexual assault, rape, sexual objectification of women and the consequences that women have had to face for centuries, as a result, is just the tip of the iceberg. To really affect a change we need to keep these issues at the forefront of everyone's mind and begin to actually implement some solutions. True lasting change has to come from a shift in consciousness first and from there taking action. I recently was listening to a radio show where a media specialist was commenting on the sudden shift in advertising since "Me Too" has taken off. She said that on the surface it seems like sex sells, but in reality after testing overtly sexual ads and ads that ...