The Power of the Feminine

What happens when women across the globe join hands and stand together in solidarity for human rights? What happens is exactly what is happening now after millions of women marched together last Saturday throughout the world.

The march has just begun. Women are gathering everywhere, on FB, in groups, in their communities, in high offices and in low. Women are coming together powerfully and this time we cannot be stopped. This time we will be heard. This time we will do whatever it takes to create a world that is free from the tyranny of male domination.

These are strong words I know, but all of us men, women and children have been under the tyranny of the old guard of male domination.What is being called forth from everyone is to take action whatever it might be, and by doing so the power of the feminine is unstoppable. Durga has come back in full force with all of her might as you and me. The armies she once summoned to save the world lives in each of us as we decide to take action for change no matter how small.

The Dali Lama was the first to speak about the power of the feminine. We have all heard this quote from the Dali Lama about the Western woman. You may have even wondered what this really means. But it seems to me that this quote has never been as true than it is today. The power of the feminine has become stronger in the past few years and women have been waking up to their power as women and have begun to embrace it in ways we never have before.For thousands of years, the feminine has risen and then been forced to go underground. But today we have the opportunity to stay strong and visible, to stand our ground as the representatives of the Divine Feminine.

Now is our time to step out of the shadows and into the light.

We are truly being called into action as the leaders of our own world and to fan the flame so that it can continue to spread throughout the world.

We have only planted the first seeds in last week's march, but now we have the opportunity to lead the country in establishing a new way of perceiving and living life. A new paradigm that is built upon the principles of love, equality, respect, honor, and trust. A world where men and women live in partnership and where we are self-governing. A world where women and children are safe and where we can live our dreams.


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