
Showing posts from 2017

Creating a New Paradigm for Women's Sexuality

Have you ever wondered what it might feel like to live in a world where women are honored and respected? A world where girls can run freely to play and express themselves and where sex is something that is natural and considered sacred regardless of how you choose to express it. I have, many times since my mission you might say is to help establish such a world or at least help to bring it forth. I have wondered what would it take to create this type of world and how we might go about it? Establishing a new paradigm is no easy task and it cannot be done by just wishing and hoping.  What it takes is a definite concrete plan of some sort which includes new ideas and new ways of thinking and being.  So before I speak about what you can do to help us create this new paradigm,  I want to review where we are now in the culture that we are living in. For as we establish a new paradigm for women, men will change too.  I want us to take a look at what women, y...

Self-Mastery as a Spiritual Path

Ever since I can remember I have desired to be a person who has achieved a state of self-mastery.  This idea of being a master has many interpretations. For some being a master conjures up images of Jesus walking on water, Sai Baba manifesting Vibuti in front of thousands, bi-locating and levitating oneself. Mastery may also signify being excellent in one thing, a skill or art form. Webster defines it as, to command or has a superior grasp over something . A master has generally spent years in the study of one thing and has mastered that skill or subject.  I am sure you have known people who have been great artists or dancers, even actors. Some would say that Meryl Streep is a master actor, Steven Spielberg a master director, and Misty Copeland a master ballet dancer.  Self-Mastery is entirely something different for to become a master of one’s self-implies that the individual has to first know him or herself and then take command of all the different aspects...

The Three Stages of Relationships

There are 3 stages of relating, according to David Deida an international teacher and author, dependence, 50/50, or intimate communion. In his book Intimate Communion, he defines these stages according to the polarity differences between men and women and what most attracts them. Dependent Relationships In a Dependent Relationship what you may notice is that the couple often represents the extremes of what is considered masculine and feminine. He may look very macho and his energy will be very masculine in a more stereotypic way. She may depict the extreme of what is considered feminine in a woman. Some images that come to mind are where the man throws the woman on the bed and takes her almost forcefully and she surrenders to his dominance. Partners may confuse some version of a master/slave relationship with real love. She is the more passive of the two and often desires to feel vanquished. She might also desire to be seen as his property or his woman and her man....

Understanding the Wounds of the Masculine and Opening Your Compassionate Heart

As a writer, I became interested in understanding the plight of men back in the nineties when Robert Bly, Sam Keen and other men who pioneered the Men’s Movement began to write and speak up.  I was curious and it fascinated me to read books like Fire in the Belly and Iron John.   It also helped me to begin to have a better feel for how men suffer in this culture. I had already been studying the mythology of the goddess and women’s spirituality trying to piece together why everything has gone so wrong.  I began to do research and read many of the early women archaeologists and scholars like Maria Gimbutas, and Riane Eisler,  looking for answers as to what had happened to cause our culture to become so different from the way it had started out so many thousands of years ago. I remember after doing the research how upset I felt about these hordes of invaders who rode over the Russian Steppes and conquered whole civilizations that had been peaceful and pro...

Has the Beauty Myth Gone to Far?

For hundreds if not thousands of year’s men have been dictating the standards of beauty to women. No matter what time in history beautiful women have been admired, sculpted, painted and sought after. Being beautiful was something that every woman wanted to be for being beautiful gave women power over men. Look at Helen of Troy who started the Trojan War she was considered the most beautiful woman of her time, and her face was said to have launched a thousand ships. Being beautiful gave a woman an edge in the world of men. Today, just like sex, beauty has become a commodity. Naomi Wolf in her book The Beauty Myth , shares how women for decades has been sold a bill of goods by the marketing moguls of Madison Ave., and that women have believed them. The standards of beauty continue to be dictated by men for the most part. The fashion industry, Hollywood, MTV, are brainwashing not only women but girls as well and we continue to believe that we are not the right kind of beautif...

Be the Heroine of Your Own Life

Have you ever thought of yourself as the heroine of your life? Just like Wonder Woman, we too have challenges and obstacles to overcome in our quest to be whole and know our True Nature. Perhaps you have never thought of yourself as a heroine at all? Perhaps you may have thought that in order to qualify you must do something daring, but the truth is that we all have opportunities to be the heroine of our own life. No matter how big or small the task might be we are all faced with many difficulties in our life to overcome. Maybe you remember a fairytale where the heroine must go through several tests put forth by an evil queen or king and must conquer her fears and have the courage to face the obstacles before her. Does this sound familiar? Perhaps you have had to scale the walls of your mind chatter, slay the dragon of self-doubt or wrestle the Cyclops of self-hate and unworthiness. Since your life’s journey is really created by your soul’s agenda, you may have had to tak...

Take the Apology Out of Being a Woman

Now you may be asking yourself what does this mean, I never see women apologizing for being a woman. But if you take a moment to think about that statement and what it is really saying, you might find yourself answering this question differently. Women have been apologizing for thousands of years for having a vagina, or vulva, for being sexual, for being powerful, clever, smart, creative, for being a woman with a body that is sexual by nature. It is this apology that is actually part of our collective consciousness and in every woman and man whether they are aware of it or not. Today in our society it may look like women have made huge strides in the world of men. This is true in so far as a few legal wins, being able to vote, and sexual freedoms. But, the culture in which we all live in, the collective field, still holds the belief that it was a woman that caused the downfall of the human race. Eve has never been forgiven for the sin of being a woman who took a bite o...

Hot Girls Wanted: Turned On

Hot Girls Wanted: Turned On, created by Netflix is the second series that they have done regarding the porn industry. This new series  explores various aspects of the porn industry and the women that work in it. The episode I am writing about here is regarding the young girls who are recruited. Similar to my last article, Hot Girls Wanted the difference here is that with this particular modeling agency, the girls they recruit are actually protected and taken care of. This in itself is a huge difference from the agency I wrote about in my blog last year.    In this most recent segment the recruiter, Bailey, is a young woman who is not only successful in the sex industry with several streams of income but is also an excellent business woman and mentor to the girls she recruits. She wants these girls to be excited about working in porn and also be well informed about the ins and outs of being in the industry.  She levels with them as to what is wanted an...

What is Feminine Power?

What is feminine power? In the past few years, these two words have been used more than ever before. Every time I look at my emails I see one or more with these two words as the subject. Since 2011 when Venus crossed in front of the Sun, (a symbol of the feminine leading the masculine), women everywhere have begun to reconnect with their feminine power. Yet what do these words really mean? In the first wave of the women's movement, during the 60's and 70's, fFeminine power was defined as " woman power". Women were just beginning to rise up and say look at us, look at what we can do better or as good as you, and don't ever underestimate us again. Women were celebrating their sexuality, sexual freedom, and discovering their bodies and the Big O. We were taking our power back from patriarchal rules, speaking up and saying that being a powerful woman, feminine power, meant being strong, independent, self-sufficient, sovereign and sexually free. Then th...

On the Path of Awakening

I have been on a spiritual path since I was twenty-two.always thought that enlightenment was something that would just happen one day and all of a sudden my life would change. Sort of like a magic wand that you could wave and change whatever you did not like about your life and miraculously I would be happy all the time. It used to be thought that when a person ‘woke up’ he/she would have a sudden awakening of some sort...a kundalini awakening or the mind would suddenly just stop and silence would be all that was felt. This is not the case for those of us who have been the spiritual seekers of my generation, the late Baby Boomers.  Today Self Realization is for the masses. It involves a consistent day-to-day, moment-to-moment remembrance of who you, me, we are.Then one moment becomes the next and the next until we notice that we are in the silence and it is in us. We are here to evolve into Homo Spiritus and to become Homo Universalis, which is to live as spiritu...

New Paradigm Relationships

Are we ready to evolve as a species and in how we relate to each other, regardless of our color, nationality, religious beliefs or form of the relationship? Are we ready to begin to live into the highest and most loving version of ourselves?   Many of us have sense that there’s a potential for an extraordinary type of human relationship, marked by an unprecedented level of intimacy, vulnerability, authenticity, and transparency, essentially being with each other without any boundaries or barriers, being together truly beyond ego. -  Craig Hamilton Over the past few year's I have written several articles that have been on the topic of enlightened partnering or conscious relationships for the 21st Century. These articles have spoken not only to romantic relationships but have addressed all forms of how we relate to each other. So when I read an article based on some of the teachings of Craig Hamilton, on  A Radical Way to Grow Spiritually in Relationship...