
Showing posts from May, 2009

Take the Apology Out of Being a Woman

Have you ever wondered why women seem to be constantly apologizing for being a woman? I have and what I discovered was, that it is time for women to stop apologizing for being female. Now you may be asking yourself what does this mean, I never see women apologizing for that. But if you take a moment to think about that statement and what it is really saying, you might find yourself answering this question differently. Women have been apologizing for thousands of years for having a vagina, or vulva, for being sexual, for being powerful, clever, smart, creative, for being a woman   with a body that is sexual by nature. It is this apology that is actually part of our collective consciousness and is inbred in every woman and man whether they are aware of it or not. Today in our society it may look like women have made huge strides in the world of men. This is true in so far as a few legal wins, being able to vote, and sexual freedoms. But the culture in which we all li...

The Feminine Mystique

Is it our allure that woos men away at a glance, that holds the promise of something they can only wonder at? Is it in our smile, or perhaps the way we walk and move that captures their attention. Is it in our wit and intelligence that causes such chaos among men? Or is it our beauty, the face, and form that could launch a thousand ships? What is this mystery that men cannot understand or explain, that keeps them fascinated in women? Women are complex creatures. We barely understand this mystery that we hold over men, and we are just beginning to explore what this power is that has caused men to both admire and fear us for thousands of years. It seems that from the beginning of creation woman has always been an enigma to man, both revered and feared. For thousands of years, man first worshiped her form as the Goddess incarnate and honored her as the giver of life. And for the past five thousand years, man has tried to control her, exploit her and keep her power at bay. Blaming her for ...


Is the power of a woman’s body the power of her sex? If this is true then what happens when a culture or society sexualizes and industrializes sex, and women as sex objects? You will find exactly what we have today in America and the world. Since the beginning of male domination, some say patriarchy, when women were delegated to second-class citizens, the property of men, and all human rights for the most part eliminated, women were forced into using their sex as a means to survive. This may have been because of their economic conditions because they were given/sold into marriage as breeders for heirs, or because they were made slaves by a conquering nation. Whatever the cause the condition remained the same. Women often felt that the only worth they had, the only weapon of power they held against their captors, was their sex, their body. Thus comes the dismantling of the true power of a woman’s body, and the prostitution of her sex. Everywhere in our world today we see women’s bodies ...