Love as Divine Intelligence

When we think of love, we usually connect it to loving someone or something—things or people we genuinely enjoy or care about. We often see love as just an emotion, but it’s actually a powerful energy we’re all made of and live within. Being "in love" is a special state of awareness. It happens when we’re around someone who opens up our hearts in a new way. This often includes sexual chemistry and hormones like oxytocin, which make us feel warm, connected, and in sync with our partner. However, these feelings are temporary. They help us bond initially, but eventually, the intense "in-love" feelings may fade, revealing our partner more as they really are. This experience is a natural part of being human. But to reach a deeper, Divine Love—love in its purest, universal form—we need to be willing to look within ourselves. This means facing our own traumas, healing past wounds, and learning the lessons our soul is here to experience. Accessing Divine Love isn’t easy, bu...