The Challenge of Self-Mastery

Self Mastery is no longer just for the few. It is no longer just for those who have ascended with or without their bodies or those who have become fully self-realized as have a few great Master Teachers or Saints. Today it is everybody's birthright to claim their sovereignty and learn how to follow their inner guidance. This part of yourself your inner self, higher self, or superconscious self has always been a part of you. You may not have known that it was a part of yourself or that you could connect with it consciously but it has always been a part of you. To recognize your full potential as a divine human and awaken fully to all of your dormant powers and abilities is what this time of transition is about. Now more than ever if we as a people who believe in our freedom to choose, to live freely as we wish, we are being called and pushed into taking the next step in our evolution. We are being asked individually and collectively to b...