Creating a New Earth - A New Year's Message
We are living on the brink of an unprecedented time where we have the power to choose whether we wish to thrive as a culture or to live enslaved to a New World Order or Global Reset that does not have humanity's best interest at heart. In addition to this 2022 is the year when the Earth goes through a Pluto Return. A Pluto Return Occurs Every 2.5 CENTURIES! Pluto is known to be The Lord of the Underworld and the Planet of Death and Rebirth. This Pluto Emergence will take place starting in February 2022 and come to its completion in 2023 but will have cycles of grand transformation until 2050. Our world has been accelerating rapidly either toward the evolution of a dystopian future one far worse than many science fiction movies have shown us or toward a world that is truly heaven on Earth. In fact, we may even be heading for a bifurcation of our worlds, one of totalitarianism and one of unity, cooperation, and love. We have entered into a ...