The Shift of Ages , A New Year's Opportunity

We are at the dawning of a new age that literally was initiated on the Solstice Dec. 21st, 2020. We are also beginning a new year that holds our hopes for what this new world can be even as the old world continues to fall apart. Many call this time the Shift of Ages , which some have said started with the onset of the information age of the internet, but for me, it somehow feels as if we have truly just begun it. This Shift of Ages occurs every 2,160 years. This is a time of great change for our world and with change, there may also be a disruption of the old ways of living and being. Our year began with the COVID virus which was the first disruption to our way of life. Regardless of how or why this virus came to our world its greater purpose I believe was to cause all of humanity to stop and look at the world we had created. To take time out and just reflect on our own lives, our relationships, and what our world had become. The disruption of businesses, schools, recreat...