The Dawn of a New Age Part I

We are living in a time when everything we have believed in or thought was normal, the way it should be or just how life was, is crumbling all around us. Every aspect of our world today is being affected by events beyond our personal control. The world we are in today seems vastly different than the world we were living in just a few short months ago, or does it? What is happening to everything we have held on to is disappearing before our eyes. This world is no longer what we thought it was, and in fact what we thought was it no longer is. For some, this may be a rude awakening and something that is dammed uncomfortable. Yet for others, it is a long-awaited sign that we are finally moving into what we have known for decades as the dawn of a new age and world, and a different way of living and being. If you happen to be reading this then you are most likely either ready to hear this or you feel aligned with what I am saying. Before anything new can emerge whether it be a p...