Becoming a Master of Your Life

No one can give you power but yourself. What I am speaking about is TRUE Power, the power that comes from within yourself and that no one can ever take from you. This is the power of self-mastery. This is the power that will make you strong, fearless, and give you the courage to face whatever you are called to face in your life. It is this power that we all have and that we are all responsible for. How You Can Become More Masterful in Your Life Taking responsibility for your own life is the first thing you can do to help shift and create a better world for all. Releasing the victim victimizer programming that all of humanity has by owning all of your shadow rather than projecting it into the collective field, and taking full responsibility for everything you have experienced. Think for yourself! Question everything that does not feel right for you or feels out of alignment with your heart. Do not allow other people or the media or anyone outside of your...