Reclaiming Your Sovereign Self

We are living in a time of either great transformation and transition or one of great confusion and fear. The choice is up to each individual what they put their attention and on. Either choice can determine the kind of world we will all live in. It was a revolutionary idea created by a small group of concerned citizens in New England that decided they could no longer live under the tyranny of a king. The idea of creating a new system for the people of the people who would govern themselves was radical. During that time, I am sure there were those who were afraid to fight for this new idea, some who disagreed, some who were complacent, and others who were indifferent. We are as diverse today in what we are now facing. But today we are living under a more insidious threat than just a tyrannical king, because for the most part we the people, have been unaware of this threat and have in fact given it permission to exist. I read somewhere that since the ’60s when several of our na...