What Does it Mean to be Sex Positive?

Being a sex-positive individual and growing up in a primarily sexually dysfunctional culture has definitely been a challenge. I have always been a person who enjoyed sex for the most part, even when I knew nothing about how to turn my own body on or communicate what I liked or did not like to my current lover. I used attend HAI (Human Awareness Institute) meetings and learn all about alternative sexual realities way back in the 80’s, and that truly opened me up to being less judgmental about how people chose to express their sexuality. It also allowed me to open up to alternative ways of being in relationships which broadened my horizons. So I could say I was prone to being a sex-positive person but it was not until I began to study Tantra that I found a more sex-positive community of like-minded people. It was through my connection with a tantric community that I was involved with for about 2 years that I really began to open to what it meant to be...