Self-Mastery as a Spiritual Path

Ever since I can remember I have desired to be a person who has achieved a state of self-mastery. This idea of being a master has many interpretations. For some being a master conjures up images of Jesus walking on water, Sai Baba manifesting Vibuti in front of thousands, bi-locating and levitating oneself. Mastery may also signify being excellent in one thing, a skill or art form. Webster defines it as, to command or has a superior grasp over something . A master has generally spent years in the study of one thing and has mastered that skill or subject. I am sure you have known people who have been great artists or dancers, even actors. Some would say that Meryl Streep is a master actor, Steven Spielberg a master director, and Misty Copeland a master ballet dancer. Self-Mastery is entirely something different for to become a master of one’s self-implies that the individual has to first know him or herself and then take command of all the different aspects...