The Evolution of Sex

As human beings evolve from being homo-sapiens to homo- spiritus, then it would naturally follow that something as important and significant as sex, and the way we choose to perceive and use it would evolve as well. For thousands of years in our Western Christian Culture sex has been thought of as only a means for procreation of the species and what a husband and wife do in the privacy of their bedroom. The earliest misinterpretation of the sex act comes from the story of Adam and Eve. Here we are told that it was because Eve bit the apple of knowledge, which is the knowledge of her sexuality , her humanness and then seduced Adam to do the same that sex and womankind were doomed. With this story, they made sex shameful. Now this is just one interpretation of that act, and there are countless others that you may wish to explore for yourself. Christian doctrine began to teach in the 3rd and 4th Centuries that sex was the root of all evil and that it was because of man’s awakenin...