Navagating Being a Girl In Today's World

Imagine a world where it was safe to be a woman, safe to be a girl, and grow up with positive images of girls and women. Images that show women as smart, strong, confident, loving themselves just the way they are, in all body types, all ages, and free from any constraints regarding their sexuality. To live in a world where being female was not something that needed to be defended, protected, hidden or exploited, but rather honored, respected, loved and supported. What would it feel like to live in a world where feminine values were an integral part of the culture? I am asking these questions because I have been doing research recently on the subject of “girl world” or what it means to be a girl growing up in the 21st Century, and I have to say I am horrified. Now I know this is a rather strong word to be using but it nevertheless is true. Having a Goddaughter who just turned 15 I decided to do some serious reading regarding the current sexualization of girls and children by th...