
Will You Answer the Call to Be the Heroine of Your Life?

Have you ever seen yourself as the heroine of your own journey? Like Wonder Woman, we all face obstacles that test our strength, resilience, and commitment to becoming whole. Perhaps you’ve never thought of yourself as a heroine, believing that title is reserved for those who do something daring or extraordinary. But the truth is, every day presents an opportunity to step into your power, to rise above the trials before you, and to claim your rightful place as the leading force in your own story. Think of the heroines in the fairytales—women who face daunting tests, slay metaphorical dragons, and summon the courage to overcome the darkness within and around them. Your own journey is no different. Maybe you've battled the inner voices of self-doubt, unworthiness, or fear. Perhaps you've wrestled with the illusions of limitation and separation, struggling to break free from the stories that have bound you. This is not by accident—your soul has designed a path rich with lessons, e...

2025 a Year of Completion

  What do you want 2025 to mean for yourself? How do you envision your life becoming in this new era of spiritual awakening and a paradigm shift?  What are you ready to let go of, release completely, forgive and what are you prepared to embrace and move forward with?   These are some of the questions I ask you to ask yourself.  We are in a cycle of completion that will continue throughout 2025 since it's a 9-year cycle numerologically. This means collectively, we can truly release what hasn't been working for the good of all in our societies, governments, and institutions.  In numerology, 2025 is a 9 Universal Year (2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 9), making it a year of profound spiritual significance, transformation, and completion. The energy of the number 9 is expansive and humanitarian, representing endings, wisdom, and the culmination of cycles. This energy offers powerful opportunities for the collective and ourselves to let go, heal, and evolve. The Collectiv...

The Winter Solstice and the Bifurcation of Timelines

The Winter Solstice traditionally is a time when we have the opportunity to release the old self and rebirth ourselves into something new. To claim our new vibration. This week holds a powerful opportunity for all of us. As we approach the Solstice, we are at a pivotal moment often described as the "splitting of the timelines." Over the past year, multiple timelines have coexisted in the third dimension, and from a Quantum Physics perspective, countless timelines exist simultaneously. The one we experience depends entirely on our vibrational match to that timeline.  This bifurcation that will occur on December 21st will create a permanent timeline split. In simple terms, your vibration—the energy you emit through your thoughts, feelings, and actions—determines which timeline you align with. Each moment, we can shift into one of many variations of reality. This week, especially leading up to the Solstice, offers a unique chance to elevate your vibration as high as possible. Bu...

Love as Divine Intelligence

When we think of love, we usually connect it to loving someone or something—things or people we genuinely enjoy or care about. We often see love as just an emotion, but it’s actually a powerful energy we’re all made of and live within. Being "in love" is a special state of awareness. It happens when we’re around someone who opens up our hearts in a new way. This often includes sexual chemistry and hormones like oxytocin, which make us feel warm, connected, and in sync with our partner. However, these feelings are temporary. They help us bond initially, but eventually, the intense "in-love" feelings may fade, revealing our partner more as they really are. This experience is a natural part of being human. But to reach a deeper, Divine Love—love in its purest, universal form—we need to be willing to look within ourselves. This means facing our own traumas, healing past wounds, and learning the lessons our soul is here to experience. Accessing Divine Love isn’t easy, bu...

Imagining A New Earth

  Imagine a world where every individual is cherished, respected, and honored for their unique strengths and wisdom. A world where women are celebrated not just for their beauty but for their courage and insight, and where men are free to express their full range of emotions and potential, without judgment or fear. In this world, as young girls and boys come of age, they are welcomed into adulthood with sacred ceremonies that teach them to embrace their bodies and themselves with love and acceptance. There is no shame in self-love, no hesitation in celebrating the beauty of intimacy. Here, the elders gently guide the young, teaching them about love, responsibility, and the wonder of adulthood. This world is one where men and women stand as equals, working hand-in-hand to build communities rooted in respect and collaboration. Everyone’s unique gifts are recognized and valued, and every person plays a vital role in shaping the health, education, and well-being of the whole. Gender is...

The Power of a Woman's Body

  Did you know that for the past two-plus thousand years women have been molded by a false narrative about their authentic feminine power?  The truth about our feminine power is that it resides within us as our sexuality and our sex.   This power that all women have which has been distorted, denied, and falsified by the male dominator culture in which we live has caused us to believe that our innate value is based on our outer beauty, and sexual appeal to others, especially men, rather than on our intellect, wit, unique gifts, and talents. Our innate sexual power lies in the fact that we can give birth to another human being, that within our womb lies a magnetic force this energy within our womb, yoni, punani, or pussy is so powerful that when consciously channeled and focused it can be used to heal, give tremendous pleasure, manifest and create anything that we might desire.  This power we hold has been feared by mankind because of its magnetic pull and attract...

Unlocking Your Highest Timeline

Change yourself and you change the world. We have all heard this before but what does it mean? Think about where you are on your journey because your inner state shapes your timeline. From a quantum perspective, time doesn’t exist—it is a concept we’ve created. All moments happen simultaneously.  You can only change your life by working on your perceptions and energy field. This involves doing your inner work, facing your shadows, and healing deep wounds. As you heal, you transform your timeline and impact the collective timeline. To change the world, start by changing yourself. Your vibration is crucial, now more than ever. If you want to see a different world, examine the frequency you’re emitting. What are you putting your attention on? Where are you focusing your energy?   If you feel like a victim, for example, how can you begin to unwind that program to heal and free yourself? That's your starting point. We are all made of electromagnetic energy and light. When your...